Enviromental Impact

The River Poddle Flood Alleviation Scheme will provide protection to 921 properties in the floodplain of the Poddle River in SDCC and DCC areas which are currently vulnerable to flooding.

A key objective of the Scheme is to ensure that the project is environmentally acceptable, and, where possible, provide environmental benefits e.g. biodiversity enhancements in the public parks and green spaces, improved water quality with an Integrated Constructed Wetland (ICW) and public realm improvements i.e. Tymon Park and Ravensdale Park.

The proposed Scheme is a cross-boundary, multi-faceted project that demonstrates co-operation across local authorities to resolve flooding, supported by OPW. The need for the Scheme is supported by the following:

  • National Flood Policy
  • National Climate Change Adaptation Framework
  • National Planning Framework’s National Flood Risk Appraisal
  • The Eastern and Midlands Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy

The proposed Scheme is also compliant with the current Development Plans for SDCC and DCC. It delivers on policies and objectives on flood protection, climate change, water quality, biodiversity and green infrastructure and, as such relates to the proper planning and sustainable development of the areas.

An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of the proposed Flood Alleviation Scheme.

Significant additional information was provided, including a Revised Natura Impact Statement.